New Funded Project on Creating User-led Open Source Consortia

The DFG is sponsoring a new project of ours.

Project Summary

An open-source consortium is a group of organizations that agreed to collaboratively manage the development of open-source software. A consortium is user-led if the organizations are creating the software for the purpose of in-house use of the software, and not for use as components in their products. A consortium is user-sponsored if these user organizations do not develop the software themselves but rather pay software development firms (consultancies) to perform the development work. To realize the benefits of user-led consortia, it is important to understand (1) the conditions which lead to the creation of user-led consortia, (2) the challenges that arise with the creation, growth, and maintenance of the consortia, and (3) possible solutions to these challenges. We proposed to investigate the creation phase of “user-led user-sponsored” open source consortia.

Project Details

Project IDDFG SB RI 2147/11-1
Project number506460878
Project acronymDFG-SB-OS-ULC-Creation
Project managerElçin Yenişen Yavuz
Project duration2023-03-01 to 2026-03-01