Tag: Sweble

Sweble 1.1.0 fixes some bugs and introduces a couple of new features/modules. For a full list of changes please refer to the changes reports of the individual modules. The release can be found on maven central. Jars with dependencies will soon be available from our downloads page. Fi...

Category: 2 Research, 2.5 Project Reports

We are finally deploying releases of Sweble and related software to Maven Central. This has many advantages for users of our software, among others: You don't have to refer to our Maven repositories any more in your own poms (if you only use our releases; snapshots are still only available from o...

Category: 2 Research, 2.5 Project Reports

CrystallBall is our parser demo so that you don't have to get down to code to check out the parser. It is a simple and easy way to see how we interpret Wikitext. The general Sweble Parser documentation is on the wiki, naturally. Here are a few examples, though, for the hurried among you. Please not...

Category: 2 Research, 2.5 Project Reports

Finally, our Sweble project site has launched! And with it one of our first projects is going Open Source: The Wikitext Parser, developed at the Open Source Research Group at the University Erlangen-Nürnberg. The Sweble project develops and provides libaries and components for a MediaWiki compati...

Category: 2 Research, 2.5 Project Reports