Final Thesis: Integration of Open Data into JValue Hub
Abstract: When working with open data, it is essential to have easy access to the necessary sources. Open data portals provide a vast amount of data, but finding the right platform and data for a specific project can be challenging. This thesis aims to integrate open data into the JValue Hub, a web-based collaboration platform for working on data pipelines built with Jayvee, a domain-specific language for building data pipelines. We design and implement a multistep solution that imports open data from various sources and processes it into a format suitable for the JValue Hub. This will lay the foundation for features that enable users to search for and access open data directly from the JValue Hub without needing to switch between different platforms.
Keywords: open data, government data, crawler, CKAN, microservice, JValue
PDF: Bachelor Thesis
Reference: Dirk Engelhard. Integration of Open Data into JValue Hub. Bachelor Thesis. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2024.