The 2018 AMOS Projects Line-up

We proudly present an early list of AMOS 2018 projects. More are in the pipeline and will be added to this post as they become available before the semester starts.

Table of contents

  1. AMOS classic: A mobile app for machine set-up (with Bosch)
  2. AMOS classic: A tool for managing non-functional requirements (with msg systems)
  3. AMOS classic: A mobile app for test driver communication (with IAV Engineering)
  4. AMOS classic: A blockchain-based app for soccer bets (with Senacor)
  5. AMOS startup: A digital whiteboard for contractors (with Maler Scholten)
  6. AMOS classic: A billing engine for container infrastructures (with DB Systel)
  7. AMOS classic: A conversational interface for your tax declarations (with Adorsys)

An AMOS classic project is a classic AMOS project of 6-9 students. An AMOS startup project is a project of 3 students aimed at creating a startup as part of our Startupinformatik program.

Please learn more about these projects below.

A mobile app for machine set-up (with Bosch)

Industry Partner Robert Bosch GmbH
Project Summary Develop a mobile app and service for setting up complex machines and machinery! Track the set-up and deployment, manage measurements, and identify machine parts using NFC tags.
Core Technologies Native iOS or Android app
Project Language English or German

A tool for managing non-functional requirements (with msg systems)

Industry Partner MSG Systems AG
Project Summary Develop a tool for capturing and managing non-functional requirements for software development projects! Improve software quality by making it easier to (re)use these requirements.
Core Technologies Java, AngularJS, web technologies
Project Language English or German

A mobile app for test driver communication (with IAV Engineering)

Industry Partner IAV GmbH
Project Summary Develop a mobile app and service for test drivers to communicate problems with new car prototypes over the weekend! Make group chat and communication safe and secure.
Core Technologies Java, Android
Project Language German only

A blockchain-based app for soccer bets (with Senacor)

Industry Partner Senacor Technologies AG
Project Summary Develop a mobile app and blockchain-based service for making bets for the upcoming soccer world championship! (No legal or illegal gambling involved, just software.)
Core Technologies Java, Javascript, blockchain, smart contracts, etc.
Project Language German only

A digital whiteboard for contractors (with Maler Scholten)

Industry Partner Malerfachbetrieb Scholten
Project Summary Develop the software for a digital whiteboard to help contracting companies manage and coordinate workers for the upcoming week! Startup included.
Core Technologies Java
Project Language German only

A billing engine for container infrastructures (with DB Systel)

Industry Partner DB Systel (Deutsche Bahn)
Project Summary Develop a software service to create invoices for resource consumption in container infrastructures; includes workshop with DB Systel on OpenShift!
Core Technologies Java, OpenShift / Kubernetes / AWS
Project Language German or English

A conversational interface for tax declaration (with adorsys)

Industry Partner adorsys
Project Summary Develop a conversational interface for your tax declaration, specifically adding and classifying receipts to the declaration.
Core Technologies iOS, Javascript, Swift
Project Language German or English